Symposium on "Cultural Histories of Humour and Laughter"

GFK-Fellow Dr. Anu Korhonen, place: Advena Hotel Mainz, Kaiserstraße 7, 55116 Mainz
What is the place of humour and laughter in the study of history and culture? How can we approach laughter and humour as historical and cultural phenomena – and what was their role in the cultures we are studying? In this symposium, we will discuss the theoretical and methodological dimensions of history of laughter, and analyse the cultural practices in which humour is produced and used in various historical contexts. We are hoping for a fruitful dialogue between historians and literary scholars analyzing diverse materials, including texts, images and performances.
Guests are welcome.
...> Flyer ...
Workshop "Gender, Culture and History"

GFK-Fellow Dr. Anu Korhonen, Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, Albert-Schweizer-Str. 113-115, 55128 Mainz, ca. 10-16 Uhr
How should we approach gender in cultural history? When and why is gender a relevant category for cultural and historical studies? How should we study masculinity, and what is happening in women's history? In this workshop, we will discuss gender as textual, material and performative construct, and think about how individuals, practices, images, symbols and language can be gendered. Topics closely related to gender, such as identity and sexuality, are also most welcome. We will approach gender as a relational process of assigning meaning that works in diverse ways both in the past and in our own culture, and see how it relates to your own various research topics. Whether your thesis is explicitly about gender or not, I would like to invite you to think about this central cultural category. How is gender relevant in your thesis - and if it is not, why not? What kind of gender constructs can be found in your time period? What are the historical formations and meanings that the concept of gender could open up for you? What do we understand by gender - how is it constructed, and how can it be studied? The workshop will consist of papers (15-20 minutes) given by participants and joint discussion. Not only polished research papers but also more tentative “works in progress” are welcome. Please send a title and abstract (about 150-200 words) in English both to and to by May 15.
Further information ...> (pdf)
Workshop "Bodies and Emotions in Cultural History"

GFK-Fellow Dr. Anu Korhonen. Zentrum Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 113-115, 55128 Mainz, ca. 10-17 Uhr
How should we approach bodies and emotions in cultural history? Are bodies in history made of matter or language – are emotions constructed or found in the past? In this workshop, we will discuss what kinds of concepts and approaches we can use when working on the history of the body and emotions, and think about how we should read our sources to unveil past interpretations and experiences. We can also discuss the role of historians’ bodies and emotions in their work: what should we do about the emotions our own research may invite, for example, and should they have some role in our writing? The workshop will consist of papers (15-20 minutes) given by participants and joint discussion. Please think about what role the body or emotions, or both, play in your work. Are you studying bodies and emotions, or are they relevant for your topic in some other way? Are you thinking that the concepts might be useful but find it hard to actually do it? Do you want to comment on theoretical approaches, methodological viewpoints, earlier historians’ work or specific problems within the history of the body and emotions? Not only polished research papers but also more tentative “works in progress” are welcome. Send a title and abstract (no more than 500 words) in English both to and to by January 15.
"Reasearchplan on Gender and Humour in Early Modern England"
Curriculum Vitae
Current Postitions
Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki 2006-2011; Docent in Cultural History, University of Turku 2002-2013
Ph.D. 1999, University of Turku Thesis in Cultural History: Fellows of Infinite Jest: the Fool in Renaissance England (grade: laudatur)
Lic.Phil. 1995, University of Turku Thesis in Cultural History: Naurettavaksi tekemisen taito. Narrius ja käänteisyyden mentaliteetti uuden ajan alun Englannissa (grade: eximia cum laude approbatur)
M.A. 1993, University of Turku Thesis in Cultural History: "Narrius, herraseni, kiertää maailmaa kuin aurinko" - narrin maailma Robert Arminin mukaan uuden ajan alun Englannissa (grade: laudatur)
Previous posts and positions
Fellow: Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki, 2003-2006
Visiting research fellow: Department of History, University of Warwick / Academy of Finland, 2002-2003
Research fellow: Cultural History, University of Turku / Academy of Finland, research project on Senses and Sensibilities: Early Modern Experiences of Sensation and Sensitivity, 2000-2002
Research grant Georg and Ella Ehrnrooth’s foundation, 2000
Researcher: Cultural History, University of Turku / Academy of Finland, research project on History of the Innocents, 1999
Assistant in Cultural History, University of Turku, 1998-1999
Researcher: Cultural History, University of Turku / Academy of Finland, research project on History of the Innocents, 1997-1998
Research grant Finnish Cultural Foundation, 1996-1997
Research work abroad
Queen Mary, University of London, Department of History, 15.9.2007–31.7.2008 University of Warwick, Department of History, 1.8.2002-31.7.2003
Rome, Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, Finnish Institute in Rome 21.7.- 18.8.2000
London, Institute of Historical Research and independently at the British Library 11.4.1997-10.4.1998
London, Finnish Institute in London, 5.5.-28.8.1995
Selected Publications
o Silmän ilot. Kauneuden kulttuurihistoriaa uuden ajan alussa. Atena: Jyväskylä 2005. (”Pleasures of the eye. Cultural history of early modern beauty”)
o Historian kirjoittamisesta. With Marjo Kaartinen. Kirja-Aurora: Turku 2005. (“On writing history”)
o Fellows of Infinite Jest. The Fool in Renaissance England. Cultural History, University of Turku: Turku 1999. (PhD thesis)
Edited works:
o Anu Korhonen & Kate Lowe (eds.): The Trouble with Ribs: Women, Men and Gender in Early Modern Europe. COLLeGIUM. Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 2. University of Helsinki: Helsinki 2007.
o Matti Hyvärinen, Anu Korhonen & Juri Mykkänen (eds.): The Travelling Concept of Narrative. COLLeGIUM. Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 1. University of Helsinki: Helsinki 2006.
o Anu Korhonen & Kirsi Tuohela (eds.): Time Frames. Negotiating Cultural History. Cultural History, University of Turku: Turku 2002.
o Maija Mäkikalli, Anu Korhonen & Keijo Virtanen (eds.): European Identities. Studies on Integration, Identity and Nationhood. Publications of the Doctoral Program on Cultural Interaction and Integration. University of Turku: Turku 1997.
o Marjo Kaartinen & Anu Korhonen (eds.): Bodies in Evidence. Perspectives on the History of the Body in Early Modern Europe. Publications of the Institute of History, 13. University of Turku: Turku 1997.
o Jarmo Kervinen, Anu Korhonen & Keijo Virtanen (eds.): Identities in Transition. Perspectives on Cultural Interaction and Integration. Publications of the Doctoral Program on Cultural Interaction and Integration. University of Turku: Turku 1996.
o The Witch in the Alehouse: Imaginary Encounters in Cultural History. Historische Kulturwissenschaften: Positionen, Praktiken und Perspektiven. Ed. Jan Kusber, Jörg Rogge et al. Transcript Verlag: Bielefeld. 2010, 181-205.
o Laver un Éthiopien à l’en rendre blanc: conceptualisation de la peau noire dans l’Angleterre de la Renaissance. Les Africains en Europe à la Renaissance. Dir. Kate Lowe & T.F. Earle, Traduit par Maurice Akingeneye & Régine Mfoumou-Arthur. MAT Editions, Toulouse. Forthcoming 2010. (Translation from a book published by Cambridge University Press.)
o To See And to Be Seen: Beauty in the Early Modern London Street. Cultural History of Early Modern European Streets. Ed. Riitta Laitinen & Thomas V. Cohen. Leiden: Brill 2009. 141-166. (Journal of Early Modern Historyn erikoisnumeron uudelleenjulkaisu kirjana.)
o Introduction. The Trouble with Ribs: Women, Men and Gender in Early Modern Europe. COLLeGIUM. Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 2. Ed. Anu Korhonen & Kate Lowe. University of Helsinki: Helsinki 2007. 3-9.
o Järjen veit, orjan teit? Rakastumisen kokemukset uuden ajan taitteessa. Tieteessä tapahtuu 5/2006. 17-23.
o Kun tapasin noidan kapakassa. Kuvitteellisia keskusteluja kulttuurihistoriasta. Ihmistieteet tänään. Ed. Anneli Meurman-Solin & Ilkka Pyysiäinen. Gaudeamus: Helsinki 2005. 14-168.
o Anu Korhonen, Riitta Laitinen & Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann: Pedagogical Year in Cultural History. Domain Specific Pedagogical Training for University Teachers. Learning Research Challenges the Domain Specific Approaches in Teaching. Ed. Kaarina Merenluoto & Mirjamaija Mikkilä-Erdmann. Department of Teacher Education, University of Turku: Turku 2004, 6-16.
o Etiopialaiset pesulla: mustan ihon merkitykset uuden ajan alun Englannissa. Hetkiä historiassa. Ed. Henri Terho. Kulttuurihistoria – Cultural History 2. Turun yliopisto, Turku 2002. 91-116.
o Constructing Emotion in a Culture of Hierarchies: A Love Story. Time Frames. Negotiating Cultural History. Ed. Anu Korhonen & Kirsi Tuohela. Cultural History, University of Turku: Turku 2002. 57-73.
o Anu Korhonen & Kirsi Tuohela: Introduction: Decoding Chronologies. Time Frames. Negotiating Cultural History. Ed. Anu Korhonen & Kirsi Tuohela. Cultural History, University of Turku: Turku 2002. 1-12.
o Kirsi Tuohela & Anu Korhonen: Final Comments: Recoding Culture. Time Frames. Negotiating Cultural History. Ed. Anu Korhonen & Kirsi Tuohela. Cultural History, University of Turku: Turku 2002. 133-139.